The Lakewood Forest Garden Club began in 1974 soon after construction on the subdivision started. A group of women banded together who had a common interest in learning all aspects of gardening, to encourage the art of flower arranging and to promote civic pride and beauty within their subdivision.

The first monthly meetings were in each other’s homes and then in the neighborhood Club House. The Club has continued to grow and evolve. Now the club meets on the first Friday morning of each month from September through May at the Lakewood Methodist Church on Louetta. As word spread about the garden club, the ladies began to post articles about their festivities in the neighborhood newsletter.

Another integral part of the Club is the annual fundraiser to support community projects and charities.  Some of the organizations that have benefited from the annual fundraiser in the past are The Brookwood Community, Wreaths Across America, Cypress Assistance Ministries (CAM), REACH Unlimited, Mercer Arboretum, Coastal Prairie Conservancy and various other wildlife and conservancy organizations.

General meetings consist of a social gathering followed by a presentation on a gardening topic. There is a wide range of guest speakers, as well as, a horticulture program given by our own members.

In addition to monthly meetings, we have informative and interactive workshops, field trips, and visits to gardens and natural areas several times a year.

The Lakewood Forest Garden Club is associated with Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. (Coastal Prairie District IV), and the National Garden Clubs, Inc. The Club is also an active member of the Houston Federation of Garden Clubs.

Lakewood Forest Garden Club averages 70 members with varied interests ranging from beginning gardeners to Texas Master Gardeners, skilled Flower Show Judges, and Texas Master Naturalists.

There is no residency requirement and new members are always welcome.